Monday, March 9, 2009

Sometimes our loves zip up

I'd been meaning to write this post for a bit. Since the season is fading for them, I should just admit it: I love cardigan sweaters.

Mind you, it's been a long and difficult road. Like many young men growing up in the 1980's, my taste for sweaters of any type were tarnished by the "Cosby Sweater" phenomenon. I absolutely hated them. They were bulky, ugly, and I'd sweat like a whore in church wearing one. As many young boys, however, I was forced to wear them from time to time so I'd look "nice". Anyways, at the beginning of the 90's, my opinion of sweaters would change because of a past and present influence on my life: Mr. Rogers and Kurt Cobain.

I'd always loved Mr. Rogers growing up and even in my rebellious youth, I had respect for the man. My respect grew for him incredibly after seeing this: and I can't wait to introduce to him to my son as well. He's what I consider to be a unique male role model: Not macho or overpowering masculinity, but powerful, well spoken eloquence. And the man did it wearing cardigans.

Kurt Cobain...well...had problems. However, beside the inner torture he had in his position of rock star/artist, he also was antithetical of the machismo of 1980's music. I can't say that he influenced the music I write, however, his songs were the first I learned on guitar. I respected his music, not his heroin use. However, he had this one green cardigan I was fond of. I myself a few years later had an almost lime green cardigan I would call my "Uncle Kurt".

So this past Christmas, my in laws bought me a cardigan I absolutely love: a chocolate brown with little white stripes on the neck. However, my wife had to sew up a huge hole in the armpit because I wore it so much. So, I feel I've set a trend for myself, wanting a cardigan for Christmas. Not to mention, they're cheaper than heroin.

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